Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Two years ago, I heard about Resurrection Eggs for the first time – and I thought it was a neat idea, but Hannah seemed too young to understand the Resurrection of Christ, even with the visual aids that the eggs supplied. Lat year, time got away from me and we were working on our home school project THE DAYS LEADING UP TO EASTER (I really liked doing this last year and even thought about redoing it). This year, I I saw the book The Story of the Resurrection Egg's BENJAMIN'S BOX and decided it was time to revisit doing the Resurrection Egg's.

There are numerous ways to use Resurrection Eggs to help teach your children the story of Easter.  They sell them at almost all Christian book stores or on-line, at Amazon, or you can make your own (our set is pictured below along with our review).  You can also make your own and fill the eggs with visual aids from the actual story from the Bible or from any number of Easter books. Next year ... if I can possible remember in time I would like to make a set for two little cuties I know!!

My REVIEW OF:  The Story of the Resurrection Eggs BENJAMIN'S BOX (by: Melody Caslon)
This is the  story about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The young Jewish boy, Benjamin tells the story of Holy Week from his perspective. As he encounters Jesus through the week, he collects items for his treasure box that his grandfather, a Shepard present in Bethlehem at the time of Jesus' birth, had given him. His grandfather had included "hay" from the manger of baby Jesus.  We follow Benjamin on his journey through Jerusalem, as he wants to see who Jesus really is! At the end of the story child both young and old will be delighted to learn the good news!
This is a wonderfully written book with beautiful pictures illustrated by Jack Stockman.
I give this FIVE STARS ... if you buy just one Easter book ... make it this one!


Here is where you can get the RESURRECTION EGGS:


MY REVIEW OF:  12 Resurrection Eggs with  Religious Figurines Inside (Sold By: Resurrection Eggs)
One of my favorite things about this set is they come on a hard plastic egg case. Not a Styrofoam one that will get easily torn up through the years. The Set comes with it's own book telling the story of Easter. The eggs are meant to help children learn the story easier by small trinkets that goes along with the story. Each egg is a different color and holds a trinket to represent the day leading up to Easter. the trinkets include: a donkey, silver coins, the cup, praying hands, the whip, the rooster, the crown of thorns, the nails in the cross. the spear, the linen cloth, the stone and finally one empty egg. There is also a small booklet included to tell the story of the Resurrection Eggs (both in English and Spanish). These Resurrection Eggs follow very closely with the book Benjamin's Box. Some critic's will say the egg's do not completely match the story .. it may be off a tad, but not so much you can not figure it out on your own! And some Catholic's will say there is a part of the book that does not go along with their religion ... it is a few small words. You can switch them out or skip them. This story and using these eggs are something to beautiful if you are raising your child up in the religious world to miss.


Here is where you can get BENJAMIN'S BOX book:


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